Offices to Let, Notting Hill Gate, W2
Lower Ground Floor Offices, 23 Pembridge Square, London, W2

Situation & Location
The property is situated facing the attrractive garden square Pembridge Square, close to the junction with Chepstow Place. The amenities of Notting Hill Gate, Westbourne Grove and Portobello Road are close by. Notting Hill Gate underground station is served by the Central, Circle and District lines. View property map.
Description & Accommodation
Comprising the entire lower ground floor, comprising five offices, kitchen (plus a central ancillary area and vaults storage not included in floor area below) having an approximate net internal area of:
1,498 sq ft (139 sq m)
Male & Female WC's | Kitchen | Central heating | Perimeter trunking | Wooden flooring | Entryphone
£70,000 per annum inclusive of business rates, utilities, building insurance, building repairs and cleaning and lighting of common parts, fixed throughout the term other than pro rata increases in business rates payable.
A new lease is available for a term of 3 years, to be excluded from the Landlord & Tenant Act 1954, with a mutual rolling option to break on 3 months notice, operable after the first year.
Energy Performance Certificate
Rating 123 (Band E) copy EPC and recommendations on request.
The rent will be subject to VAT in addition.
Available May 2015.
Jeremy Barnard or Alan Bateman
Tel: 020 7938 3990
Fax: 020 7937 3764
Important Notice: Measurements are approximate and no responsibility is taken for any error, omission or mis-statement in these particulars which do not constitute an offer or contract. No representation or warranty is given either during negotiations, in particulars, or elsewhere. Unless otherwise stated all rents and prices are exclusive of VAT, where applicable.